Hi Nicolas,

In this summit, we need an experienced Wikisourcer who can strongly advocate for the project, so that the project and it's communities does not get left behind or forgotten during the implementation phase of strategy. This year, we need to send someone who can opine in the implementation discussion in such a way, that it is at least ensured on paper, that Wikisource will get the support it deserves. It is also needed to strategize for Wikisource for future w.r.t. knowledge equity.

Personally I think, you are one of the best persons, we have, to represent the entire community and if you decide to go, you have my very strong support. 


On Tue, 10 Dec 2019, 19:37 balaji, <balajijagadesh@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Vigneron for starting this up for timely discussion. We need to discuss how and what to present about our group in the conference. We need to take into account about experience, opportunity for people, full availability for the conference.(Not like the same person representing wikisource also doing other activities in conference), etc while selecting the people. 

p.s. This year I wont be able to travel during that time. So i am not a candidate.


On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 6:12 PM Nicolas VIGNERON <vigneron.nicolas@gmail.com> wrote:

According to the reports :
- 2014 : Micru and Aubrey
- 2015 : Micru and Aubrey
- 2016 and 2017 : Aubrey
- 2018 : Balajijagadesh and VIGNERON
- 2019 : Gurlal Maan

@Mardetanha and the others: is Friday or Saturday better for you?
I started a poll to find the best day: https://framadate.org/DWcnhfcsWQRjFKhP (feel free to comment).

Cdlt, ~nicolas

Le mar. 10 déc. 2019 à 13:24, Mardetanha <mardetanha.wiki@gmail.com> a écrit :
and do we have the list of previous year participants?
I am not sure if I can join Sunday, as it is working day in Iran but I will do my best 

On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 2:27 PM Nicolas VIGNERON <vigneron.nicolas@gmail.com> wrote:

To make it clear, I'm candidate to go to the Summit.
I'm not sure if I'm the best person to represent this user group (UG) as the Summit is a « focused event for conversations on Movement Strategy » and I'm not always good at Strategy (especially for such a broad group like this UG, indeed we need priorities, hence this meeting ;) ). That said, I have a long experience of Wikisource, I was the representative for this UG in 2018 so I'm not the worst person either ;)

For the meeting, I'm also available this week. I guess to gather the most people sunday at 1 pm UTC (13:00) is probably the best for everyone (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20191213T130000&p1=195&p2=176&p3=263).

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