Just to have a try: imagine to install proofread extension and to add Index: and Page: namespaces into Commons, and to allow users to use Commons as an optional proofreading lab.

No more painful alignement of Authors' metadata: there is Creator nmespace/template.
No more painful setting & aligning of book metadata: there is Book template.
No more painful localization: there is a powerful set of localization templates/scripts.
No more need for trick for multi-lengual books: they would be as simple as mono-lengual ones.

Obviously such Commons books need to be fully shared - as html rendering - into any wikisource project, just adding a message "Work can be edited in Commons", jus as it happens for shared media. 


2013/6/2 Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com>
David Cuenca, 02/06/2013 02:22:
[...]  specially now that projects like Wikidata have shown that it

is possible to have both localization and centralization living in harmony.

We're VERY far from such a harmony, or maybe I'm misunderstandind what you mean here. We don't have a true solution for the problem of a multilingual wiki, Commons' pains show it well. <https://wikimania2013.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/Multilingual_Wikimedia_Commons_-_What_can_we_do_about_it>

>From what I recall, localisation was definitely not the reason for splitting. It's also wrong to assume that bringing people on the same wiki will give you a single community: you may well just lose the (senses of) communities and end up with a dispersed array of editors.


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