
As Wikipedia decided to change its main page presentation, I think that Wikisource maybe should do the same. The "War" between the spanish and the chinese wikisources demonstrates that the article count does not reflect the true depht of a Wikisource, as someone can create thousands of very small articles. What should the main page present ? I don't think that, as Wikipedia did, chosing the number of visitors would be a good idea, since Wikisource is very less known than Wikipedia, and the figures may be not reliable. If these stats from Erik Zachte can be trusted (and renewed), I would suggest that the number of words http://stats.wikimedia.org/wikisource/EN/TablesDatabaseWords.htm may be the fairest figure to present. The only problem would be : is the number of words given for the Chinese (and Japanese, also) wikisource correct ?

What do you think of this proposition ?

(Enmerkar on French wikisource)

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