Sorry for offtop:
Kishan, and is there any straightforward way to know how many pages a DjVu/PDF contains, through some API call?
By straightforward I mean not asking for new pages, till you start getting errors.


On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 1:51 AM, Gaurav Vaidya <> wrote:
Hi Kishan,

On 16 May, 2014, at 11:27 am, Kishan Thobhani <> wrote:
> I was redirected here by Sumana Harihareswara with a proposed task of documenting API for ProofreadPage extension ( and later helping to improve same.
> At this point ProofreadPage (prp) API adds 2 hooks over API under action=query module:-
> 1.) Properties - prop=proofread ( This is to get Proofreading level of Page: pages )
> 2.) Meta - meta=proofreadinfo ( Local Configuration Information )
> In context, i would really appriciate if someone can share thier thoughts and help me compile notes to proceed further.
> Points could include:-
> 1.) Use-case of API.
> 2.) Existing components/projects/bots already using proofread API features.
> 3.) Anything else.

You can do a lot with ProofreadPage without any new APIs. For example, I wrote a Perl module to download an entire book from the English Wikisource as WikiText two years ago. At that time, I implemented it for a hypothetical “Index:Entire book.pdf” by:

1. Using prop=imageinfo to get the number of pages for “File:Entire book.djvu".
2. Using prop=revisions to download the Wikitext for each individual page from “Page:Entire book.djvu/1” to “Page:Entire book.djvu/9999” (if the image had 9,999 pages).

This will work for Wikisources that redirect “File:”, “Index:” and “Page:” into their local namespaces. I ignored the proofread status entirely, since all the pages I needed to download had already been transcribed, but I guess it might be helpful to have an API query that could return the proofread status for every page in an Index page. That’s the only idea I have for now!

If you’re curious, the Perl code I wrote is available at

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