Hi everyone,
I submit a talk, about " the Gap between Wikipedia and other wikimedia projects" in wikimania 2016 and I will take wikisource user group and Wikisource Conference 2015 as an exemple of activity to decrease the gap , and I hope some one of wikisource conference can join me to talk about this experience.
About wikimedia conference the Registration will be closes on Friday, January 15, 2016 and I think Andrea as a member of the organising team of wikisource conference can represent the group :)

2016-01-05 20:06 GMT+01:00 Andrea Zanni <zanni.andrea84@gmail.com>:
Hi everyone,
I have to announcements:
* first, it's important that we (well, you :-D) propose some presentations for the next Wikimania!
Here's the first link:
and here the form:

I've put myself as a Liason for Wikisource and the organizing team, so make sure to submit stuff, it's important we are present at this Wikimania.

* second: I would like to ask a scholarship to represent the Wikisource Community User Group at the next Wikimedia Conference, in Berlin. I think it's important to send someone for the UG, and I hope that for you is OK that I'm proposing myself. It's most and "advocacy/politics" conference, as many of you know, and I would like to push things for us. We did a great job in Vienna and I hope someone will be willing to listen :-)


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