dear Wiki friends!

Sanskrit Wikipedia, (sa. Wiki) Bangalore and Centre for Internet Security( CIS), Bangalore, held a meeting on 16-1-2016, for defining and demarcating the Training protocol for Prospective Wikipedians. The  discussions took place at the Premises of

C I S , Bangalore . The following officials were present in the meeting:


1.      Mr. Tito Dutta                     Project Officer                                   C I S

2.      Ms. Shubha                           Sa. Wikipedia  Admin.       sa. Wiki

3.      Mr. Sayant Mahato               Sa. Wikipedia Admin.         sa. Wiki



The following are the minutes of the meeting.


1.      The meeting commenced at 3:30 p.m.. At the outset, Ms Shubha and Mr. Sayant Mahato thanked both C I S  and Mr. Tito Dutta for arranging the meeting and for conducting the meeting in the office of C I S.

2.      It was felt that for giving effective training to the Wikipedians, both current and prospective, it is necessary to lay down the operating guidelines based on the policies of Wikipedia.

3.      Therefore it would be necessary to specify the procedures unambiguously, viz. specify the guidelines in areas where they are not indicated and review and modify those procedures which may be deviating from the Wikipedia Principles.