
I am writing you this mail to make you aware of a possible usurpation and auto-biography on several Wikiquotes (French, English, Italian and possibly more?)

The page in question is [[Dario de Judicibus]], you can see several discussions about it :

* http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Pages_%C3%A0_supprimer/Dario_de_Judicibus (French AfD page, where the author reacted to the allegations in English)
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Dario_de_Judicibus (English AfD page, similar discussion to the French one)
* http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Pagine_da_cancellare/Dario_de_Judicibus (Italian AfD page, vote closed)

Currently, the outcome on the French Wikipedia and Wikiquote is strongly leaning towards the deletion of the articles, however, the pages were conserved on the Italian projects.

So please consider the question, throw a vote or something if your wikiquote has this page!
