Hi *,
just wanted to give a word - I am still alive, reading and playing around with the mediawiki software, short of creating my first code. Things are getting a bit clearer, some stuff is a bit surprising (following my mysql.log).
Tomorrow I will be mostly offline, heading to London, but having stuff on my Laptop on the ferry. I will give you a note on wednesday, maybe already some first code bits then, but most likely quite a couple of questions. ;-)
Hi *,
just another quick update.
Attached you find my 'trying out different things' file, which shows you the first sql for the table, and my tries to get some Hooks and Outputs going.
One of the things that I am wondering at the moment is how to display forms, links and other output on normal Article pages just using hooks. The last thing I tried yesterday was the DiffViewHeader, which would allow for managing the revisiontags (needs to be renamed). I could output the results using BeforePageDisplay, and wgOut->addHtml, and some css to move stuff to the top, but this does not seem to be that clean.
Now, to get help with questions like that, where do you recommend to look for answers? This list, #wikipedia, another mailinglist?
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Ah, something to see!
2007/3/7, Joerg Baach lists@baach.de:
Now, to get help with questions like that, where do you recommend to look for answers? This list, #wikipedia, another mailinglist?
On this list are several people who are very familiar with MediaWiki, so I think that this list will work. There is also the list wikitech (http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikitech-l), which is quite active, but is mirrored in the net.
As for the IRC, there is #wikimedia-tech.
On 3/7/07, Joerg Baach lists@baach.de wrote:
One of the things that I am wondering at the moment is how to display forms, links and other output on normal Article pages just using hooks. The last thing I tried yesterday was the DiffViewHeader, which would allow for managing the revisiontags (needs to be renamed). I could output the results using BeforePageDisplay, and wgOut->addHtml, and some css to move stuff to the top, but this does not seem to be that clean.
It should be fine to create a branch of the core with additional hooks, as required.
Please coordinate this with Brion (brion@pobox.com , brion on IRC) who is also on this mailing list.
Now, to get help with questions like that, where do you recommend to look for answers? This list, #wikipedia, another mailinglist?
The correct mailing list is wikitech-l; on IRC (irc.freenode.net), use #mediawiki (#wikimedia-tech is more for server admin issues).