Jeśli cię to pocieszy to ja mam takli komunikat od rana. Akir

-----Original Message-----
From: Krzysztof Jakubiec []
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 2:36 PM
To: Polish Wikipedia mailing list
Subject: [Wikipl-l] fajny error

Witajcie, probowalem wejsc (7 czerwca 2004 r., 14.20-14.25) na strone:

i otrzymalem taki mily komunikat:


Currently offline with some database troubles. We're backing up and
restoring the database (which is very large with several million edits
over the last three and a half years), it'll be a few hours. Sorry for
the inconvenience.

-- the Management


Krzysiek Jakubiec
"Czas nas uczy pogody" S. Soyka