Pershendetje, nderkohe qe po punojme per Wiki Loves Earth, skuadrat lokale te Wiki Loves Monuments kane nisur qe tani punen.
Romaine eshte nje nga organizuesit nderkombetare dhe me poshte ka derguar detajet si te perfshihemi. Po e le kete email per momenti ketu :) per tiu rikthyer perseri pasi te kemi vene punen para me WLE dhe projekte te tjera rreth Wikipedias.

Hi Greta,

How are you doing?

We spoke at the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin about the organisation of Wiki Loves Monuments in your country. There you indicated that you want to organise Wiki Loves Monuments. Be welcome!

You can possible forward this e-mail to others in your user group

A few practical things:

* Please add your country to the list of (maybe) participating countries at:

* More information about the organisation can be found at:

* We will provide a banner above Wikipedia (CentralNotice) and a specialised upload wizard for your country. You create a website or a page at Wikipedia or Commons about the local contest with the rules, how people can participate, jury and prizes. A nice example:

* If you need a grant, please submit it before the end of June to the Wikimedia Grantmaking team:

* If you have problems with financing your local contest, the international team will have funds to provide you a back-up if other ways would fail.

* We also would be happy if you could endorse the grant request from the international Wiki Loves Monuments team at:

* One part of Wiki Loves Monuments is to make our cultural heritage visible in Wikipedia. This we do with photos, but also with articles: list(s) of monuments on Wikipedia.
If you have already lists of monuments in your area on Wikipedia, please make sure they are listed here:
If you do not have lists of (official?) cultural monuments from your area, please try to find information about them and create those overviews on Wikipedia. (We can help with that.)

Also: if you already have lists in a non-English language, please translate them also to English.

* What else can you do?
Have special attention for those areas/monuments with a limited number of photos are available! How can we make sure all monuments have a photo on Wikipedia?
Organise photo tours (Wiki Takes...) See: +
Organise Wikipedia writing sessions (edit-a-thons)

* If you have any questions or need help?
Contact us!'s_who

Perhaps see you at Wikimania!


international organiser of Wiki Loves Monuments