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You are registered as a CC on this help desk request (wikimediashop.zendesk.com/hc/requests/10911).
Reply to this email to add a comment to the request.

Sandra Hust (Wikimedia Foundation)

Jun 7, 3:39 PM PDT

Hey Arianit,

Thank you for the quick reply and your order will be shipped tomorrow. Please let me know if I can further assist you and we hope you enjoy the goodies =)


Sandra M. Hust
Wikipedia Store

Arianit Dobroshi

Jun 7, 2:31 PM PDT

It's 10000 but will work either way. Thnx!

Sandra Hust (Wikimedia Foundation)

Jun 7, 2:16 PM PDT

Hey Arianit,

Can you please confirm if the postal code is missing from the address you provided in your first email below?

NAME: Prishtina Hackerspace
Attn: Arianit Dobroshi
STREET: rr. Ganimete Terbeshi nr 2
CITY: Prishtina

Once I check your reply I will be able to put your Swag order together =) Thank you for your help and support!


Sandra M. Hust
Wikipedia Store

Chris \Jethro\ Schilling

Jun 7, 9:14 AM PDT

Thanks Arianit, this looks good. I'll be approving the request.

Take care,


Chris "Jethro" Schilling
I JethroBT (WMF) (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:I_JethroBT_(WMF))
Community Organizer, Wikimedia Foundation (https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Home)

Arianit Dobroshi

Jun 7, 6:12 AM PDT

Chris \Jethro\ Schilling

Jun 6, 5:54 PM PDT

Hi Arianit,

Thanks for your request. Requests for swag (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Rapid/Requesting_swag) do require information about a particular event or project. See the how-to section (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Rapid/Requesting_swag#How_to_request_your_swag) on that page for details. It's completely fine to use the merchandise at the hackerspace and other places, but could you provide the following information?:

* A link to one of the event or project planning page this merchandise would be used for,
* An estimate of attendance at that event or how many participants there will be in the project


Chris Schilling

Chris "Jethro" Schilling
I JethroBT (WMF) (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:I_JethroBT_(WMF))
Community Organizer, Wikimedia Foundation (https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Home)

Arianit Dobroshi

Jun 6, 9:03 AM PDT


This request is not linked to any particular event. It is meant to be available at all our future events, booth tables, our hackerspace and to be placed at hostels here.

I am with Albanian Language User Group and FLOSSK.

Request for Collection #2.

If you can customize packs, we work on Wikipedia, Commons and Wikivoyage.

Please ship to:

Prishtina Hackerspace
Attn: Arianit Dobroshi
rr. Ganimete Terbeshi nr 2
Prishtina, KOSOVO

Thank you,


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