
Miqte tane Wikimediane nga Serbia kane nevoje per ndihme. Ato jane duke pregatitur takimin e rradhes te Wikimedianeve te Eurores Lindore dhe nje nga detyrat eshte te mbledhin mendime nga shtete e perfshira. Komuniteti jone eshte nje prej tyre. Ju lutemi plotesoni anketen e derguar nga ato ne kete link: Anketa e Angazhimit të Komunitetit


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ivana Madžarević <ivana.madzarevic@vikimedija.org>
Date: Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:57 PM
Subject: Call for Community Engagement Survey
To: <gretadoci@gmail.com>

Hi Greta,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing you regarding Community Engagement Survey for the CEEM 2019. The purpose of this survey is to help conference organizers plan CEE meeting 2019. Community Engagement Survey is necessary step in order to be eligible for the grant. If you haven’t seen it, grant proposal is available on this link.

We have sent survey via CEE mailing list and Facebook group. This is really important and won’t take a lot of your time, but will give us valuable feedback on how can we shape CEEM 2019 in terms of Programme. In order to find out what topics are important for you and to be eligible for the grant, I kindly ask you to fill it in. You can find Community Engagement Survey on this link. It won't take more than 15 minutes. The deadline is 6 March.

I would be grateful if you can share this survey with your community. We would like to get as many feedback as we can. :)

If you have questions or need help with the survey, don’t hesitate to reach me.


Ивана Маџаревић  
менаџер пројеката и заједницеВикимедија Србије
p: 011 3348 468 m: 060 74 54 773 a: Дечанска 4/3, Београд

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