Пишет носитель языка кечуа (или муж носителя языка?), правда из Франции:To sum up what I'm trying to say : - I think wikipedia in indigenous languages are NOT useful as a substitute of major wikipedia edition for monolingual people, because these people are massively illiterate (and have no access to internet) - It is NOT useful either as a substitute of major wikipedia editions for bilingual people who have internet, because they will obtain a better information in spanish - It can be very useful in my opinion if it is used to collect the knowledge that is traditionally formulated in the indigenous language so that wikipedia does not invent this knowledge. In my opinion, these language editions should not be seen as encyclopedies, because they will never be able to compete with other language editions on this ground. They should be thought of as **repositories** of the language and knowledge.Все обсуждение, а также ответы: https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/languages/2015-June/thread.html--
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