I would also like to participate in this from tech side.

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 7:37 PM, Srikant Kedia <> wrote:
no.. its not only my initiative, its of all the members present in the cuttack meetup.. :)

& got only 6 reply out of 60 subscribers :( .. what happen to all. Please take active part in the mailing discussion.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Jayanta Nath <> wrote:
Great initiative by  Srikant.... Keep it up.

With Warm Regards,
Jayanta Nath
Calcutta,West Bengal

Wikipedia-OR mailing list

Thanks & Regards,
Srikant Kedia
Odia (Oriya) Wikipedia Community

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Priya Ranjan, Practicing Ph.D. in Internet Technologies

Official Internet Wanderer
दिलदार वेताल ऑफ़ इंद्रजाल :)

How about giving scarce spectrum as five hertz/Indian family and sharing related licensing revenue to the family?? We would have solved poverty issue overnight :) I know its crazy but then normal people couldn't solve anything :)

Dear Manmohanji:
How are you doing? I am wondering if you can make a list of all government sponsored project public with searchable index so that people can see what is going on. Also, please post a list of all grants given to public and private organizations. You know transparency is key.
Thanks for your help.
-Priya Ranjan

The headman Cornelius summed up the overall mind of the people: 'We too believe in Development. If at all the minerals have to be extracted from our fields, we will do it ourselves when are we are capable, when our children have grown up and educated and when, as a community, we are able to manage the affairs.”

A day spent without the sight or sound of beauty, the contemplation of mystery, or the search of truth or perfection is a poverty-stricken day; and a succession of such days is fatal to human life.
-Lewis Mumford

Due to failure in debt servicing, I will be selling Association for India's Development, Inc. I am looking for more bids, let me know if you are interested :) Association for India's Development owes Dr. Priya Ranjan $16million adjusted for inflation in glorious american tradition of debt :) Its time to start debt servicing now.

A list of failures-
Prof. Mohan Bhagat@UMD, USA-Huge failure, and coward. Ran out of perfection :) Likes to be president of rinky dinky organizations :)
Dr. Ravi Kuchimanchi, Ph.D. from UMD-Not only he failed he flew off the scene of Narmada dam like a loser :) leaving Medha Patkar alone :)
Association for India's Development-Biggest failure in India History :) Too much self serving talk and no reality :)

Association for India's Development, Inc.- Fraud communist party-Making a living off adivasis for last 20 years :)

Prof. Mohan Bhagat - Please return our money. You are good for nothing. Failing gazillion times. Sucker stop selling Gandhiji and go commit suicide :) Stop your nautanki/dramatics :) Hey sucker, time to go to Lower kinder garten (LKG) to upgrade your arithmetic multiplication skills :) Adivasis are waiting for you and your Jeevansaathis. Give them all the money you raised in their name rather than making a living for yourself :) What a loser !! Moving to Narmada valley for last twenty years :)

Get a movie made using Adivasi money :) Hey sucker, join capitalist party even better let people know that you don't stand for anything and will say things based who is in front of you :) You know what these kind of people called :) 

Dr. Ravi Kuchimanchi-Sinking things in a row, Narmada Campaign, Bijli Bike and Bilgaon Micro-Hydel :) Sucker you should sink yourself rather than wasting hard earned money of donors. Had you sank atleast you have been a martyr now you are petty coward begging for money after bragging about commie credentials.

Harvard-Educating the children of rich and powerful by charging obscene amount of money for last 5 million years:)

जल ही जीवन है और स्पेक्ट्रम  ही जीवनरेखा है, दोनोँ को बनियागिरी से बचाइए..और उनका समुचित उपयोग कीजिये !

Where is Dr. Manmohan Singh and his economist clique? Do we have a PM who has no clue about our most precious resource called SPECTRUM being plundered in this country? He can't give it to the selected few on a platter.

Prof. Mohan Bhagat@UMD ate up all the money raised for adivasis :) He also wanted everyone else to move to Narmada valley. When I asked him if he is moving himself sucker says-"Do you think I am perfect?". Its time to teach him some perfection and value of making promises rather than just eating up public money. Let me know if you want to help me :) 

This sucker doesn't understand that people taking $250k/yr of hard earned money of american public don't talk about communism. Dead Gawd, please pay him in his own fraud currency send some emails to his ph.d. advisors in hell/heaven to box his contorted ears :) Also send him to preparatory school for 80+ people so that he can be operated on his fraud gandhian halo.

So much for Delhi Univ. Ph.D. and putting glazed stickers of Mohandas Cowardchand Gandhi. Both Mohans turned out to be equally coward :) History does repeat itself.