Hi Hempal,

Sorry, I'm still not sure if the question is directed at me or your team?

Please note that I will be on vacation January 1-11th. If you would like me to review and approve a reallocation request before then, please post it on the discussion page of the grant. Otherwise, we can discuss it when I am back.



On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 12:49 AM, Hempal Shrestha <hempalshrestha@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Alex, 

Thanks. Regarding confusion, I wanted to be clear along with the community beforehand for planning and implementing the award program. 

As updated, the current status of the WLE 2014 and WLM 2014 competition is completed. We have already published the final 10 winners from both the competition. 

And in this stage, I want to seek input in advance if there exist any inconsistency (if any) with the WMF grants re-allocation process for rewarding the winners who have already been selected and now being planned for their reward under this new re-allocation process? Just don't want that this question arises in the later stage of program implementation. 

With kind regards

Hempal Shrestha 

With kind regards, 

Hempal Shrestha
FOSS Solutions : A Knowledge Collaboration Enterprise
G.P.O Box: 5501
1753 Ramshah Path, Near Nepal Share Market, 
Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 11:26 PM, Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Hempal,

Thanks for the info. Please let me know what the confusion is so I can help clarify.



On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:54 AM, Hempal Shrestha <hempalshrestha@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Ganesh ji, Nabin ji, Alex, 

Thanks for your both suggestion for possible re-allocation of the remaining funds from our last program on Wikipedia Expansion Program in Nepal. 

1. Ganesh ji, Outreach activities to the other cities (outside of Kathmandu Valley) would be a good initiative. But for that we will need to have commitment of atleast 3-4 Nepali Wikipedians in advance for the Wiki Travel outside Kathmandu valley for the entire duration. Do we have tentative lead and team members who will be ready to travel to other cities for the Wiki-Travel? 

2. Nabin ji, Awarding the Winners for WLE 2014 and WLM 2014 is indeed a good practice to continue with. As you remember the last year's WLM was coordinated by Saroj ji and Mahalaxam ji and the winners of WLM 2013 were also rewarded   (Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013_in_Nepal) as per the budgeted reward amount incorporated in the expansion project in advance.  

The current situation of both the WLE 2014 and WLM 2014 competition are completed and closed. The submission of photos by the users is over for both the competition in their due time.  Selection and declaration of the top 10 winning contributors for both WLE 2014 and WLM 2014 has also been made. Now, we are in the process of felicitating the winners of both the competition. And hence we are looking forward for possible re-allocation of the remaining funds for rewarding these winners.  

Here, I have a little confusion about any constraints in the process (if any) regarding budgeting for the fund for rewarding the winners who are already selected and declared. Hence, I would seek more clarity and suggestion from Alex and fellow Wikipedians. Once we have more clarity on this constraints, we can confidently move ahead with rewarding the winners of WLE 2014 and WLM 2014 as we concluded for WLM 2013 winners. 

Nabin ji, I have followed following links to verify above information, please correct me if there are some more information to add to it.

Information for WLE 2014:

Information for WLM 2014:

With kind regards

Hempal Shrestha 

With kind regards, 

Hempal Shrestha
FOSS Solutions : A Knowledge Collaboration Enterprise
G.P.O Box: 5501
1753 Ramshah Path, Near Nepal Share Market, 
Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 2:26 PM, Ganesh Paudel <gpaudel@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Alex.

Hi friends, let's make the cost estimates for re-allocation. Navin ji, can you please give the budget estimate and timeline to spend please?


On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi All,

Yes, you can ask to reallocate the remaining grant funds for prizes and the award events, since they have not happened yet. Please let me know if you'd like to move forward with this idea. If yes, you can follow the directions here: 



On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Saroj Dhakal <lotusnagarkot@gmail.com> wrote:
Exactly, we can not ask for the grant to conduct WLM-14 and WLE-14 which is  already done , from each contributors contributing from their pocket for all photo walks and outreach .

But what I guess is that we should be able to ask for the grant to provide the prize amounts to the winners which is yet to be done in future .

We'd be grateful if Alex could suggest !


2014-12-27 6:12 GMT+05:45 Ganesh Paudel <gpaudel@gmail.com>:
Dear Nabin Ji,
Thanks for the suggestions. This is good proposal but I don't know whether we can use the amount for the past events. As to my knowledge we can't spend grant for past events. We have to make request prior to conduct any event. Let's ask to the grant team.

Dear Alex,
Can you suggest in this regard please?


On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 10:09 PM, Nabin Sapkota <nboycreationnepal@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear all,

       As we all know that Wikimedia Community Nepal  successfully participated in two biggest events named Wiki Loves Earth and Wiki Loves Monuments, 3600+ photos were uploaded by the 137 users in Wiki Loves Earth and about 1100 photos  were uploaded by the 85 users in Wiki Loves  Monuments.

Results of both WLE and WLM are  announced  few days back by the international team, where two of our photographs were selected in short list of Top 28 photographs ,ranked as 23rd and 24th position in WLE among the 70,000 photographs worldwide.

We need to organize a program and award the winners of WLE-14 and WLM-14.

So, as suggested by Hempal ji what about utilizing the funds for this purpose ?

Yours sincerely,

Nabin Sapkota

Coordinator, Wiki Loves Earth 2014, Nepal

On 24 December 2014 at 09:43, Ganesh Paudel <gpaudel@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,
As you know we did good number of outreaches in zero cost during our grant period. To my mind, we can have couple of outreach and outreach enabling meetings in some cities out the valley. I suggest to spend the unspent money in outreach activities.


On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 3:33 PM, Hempal Shrestha <hempalshrestha@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Wikipedians, Wikimedians, Ganesh ji, Saroj ji and Working committee team members! 

As you must remember from my previous emails few months back, we had successfully completed the project grant awarded to us from the Wikimedia Foundation in 2013-14. The final project report (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:PEG/User:Ganesh_Paudel_-_Wikipedia_Expansion_Program_in_Nepal/Report) was prepared with support from all Wikipedians and project activity leads from working comittee. 

Even-though, we have completed All the projected activities and submitted all the necessary report in time, the current status of this project report is open. It is due to unspent project grant amount sealed in the joint bank account of the signatories of the grantee (including myself). 

While finalizing the report, we seek for re-allocation of the unspent amount, as sending back the amount to the foundation, could itself be an challenge in our national banking context. To this request, the grants team, partially approved the re-allocation of some amount for the 12th Anniversary of Wikimedia in Nepal, which is now complete. As documented in the meta page here (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants_talk:PEG/User:Ganesh_Paudel_-_Wikipedia_Expansion_Program_in_Nepal/Report#Reallocation_request_response)

Now, we have been asked by the grants team, as what we would like to do with the remaining grant amount. Shall we seek for new grant reallocation or return the money. Please refer to Alex email below for detail.

Please do share your views or ways to reach a decision. Also if there is any other Wikipedia Expansion activities that you might want to seek support for, lets discuss and seek grant team's approval in due time.

I, as one of the signatory of the grant, would personally like to settle this matter and close the accounts as soon as possible. 

Looking forward to hear from the community!

With kind regards, 

Hempal Shrestha
G.P.O Box: 5501
1753 Ramshah Path, Near Nepal Share Market, 
Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 9:54 AM
Subject: Grant report reallocation
To: Hempal Shrestha <hempalshrestha@gmail.com>, Ganesh Paudel <gpaudel@gmail.com>
Cc: PEG Grants <grants@wikimedia.org>

Hi Ganesh and Hempal,

I hope you are both doing well!

As we are nearing the end of the year, it would be good to get clarity on your open grant report. Please let us know if you are planning to reallocate the remaining funds to a new grant request or if you would like to return the money. 

I'd be happy to discuss any ideas or questions you may have. 



On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Hempal and Ganesh,

Thanks so much for the update. Look forward to hearing from you later this month. Let me know if you'd like to discuss future activities before you draft a proposal.



On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 7:39 AM, Hempal Shrestha <hempalshrestha@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Alex, Ganesh ji, 

Me also just under work pressure as financial year closing. Will be away for a week early next week and will be back Nepal on July 21. Look forward than to workout the future action activities. Lets work out as how we can keep continuing our Wiki initiatives in Nepal.

With kind regards

Hempal Shrestha

On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Ganesh Paudel <gpaudel@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Alex,
We are at the end of Fiscal Year (2070/71) which is going to end on 16th July. This is the matter which is keeping most of us occupied in our respective works. We will try to response soon. Hopefully, we will be applying for new grant.


On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 12:57 AM, Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Ganesh and Hempal,

Please reply to our response to your reallocation request. If you don't plan on submitting another request in the next 10 days, you should plan on returning the unused funds. Let me know if you'd like to talk regarding upcoming plans.



On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 7:44 AM, Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Ganesh,

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding our response to the reallocation request. We also need to know if you plan on submitting another grant request soon and will hold on to the remaining funds or if you will be returning the funds to WMF. Please post this information on the discussion page. 



On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Once we have your confirmation we can approve the report.



On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Hempal,

Thank you for the update and the reallocation request. I've left a note on the discussion page asking you to provide a few more budget details regarding the anniversary line item.



On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 3:53 AM, Ganesh Paudel <gpaudel@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Alex and Asaf,
As usual, we are working in the 11th hr. and this time about our 12th Anniversary.

Since the Anniversary is approaching (Tuesday, 3rd June) and we want to spend some amount in the event of editathon, talks and cake party. Please approve the amount Nrs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand Rupees) for the event.

We are satisfied to have most of the activities although we could not complete all of them.
As looking for the reasons, there were too much activities that was difficult to handle with small number of volunteers, and other notable thing is during the grant period, we felt some resistance to run the programs smoothly that made difficult to complete the tasks and finish the small grant amount.

This time, we again are trying to complete some tasks by the remaining amount that we think will be helpful for making comfortable path for the future wikipedians/wikimedians in Nepal.

With best regards
Hempal Shrestha
Ganesh Paudel
Wikimedians of Nepal

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Ganesh,

Thanks for the update. We understand that responding takes a bit of time - just wanted to make sure you had seen the comments! In terms of the NRs 50,000 for the 12th anniversary celebration, please make the request on the discussion page of the report and provide more details on how the funds will be spent. We can review that request asap and then the additional reallocation request once it is submitted.



On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 5:04 AM, Ganesh Paudel <gpaudel@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Alex,
We are working for the re-allocation request. For this, we are carrying on discussion in the local community. We will immediately post the re allocation request.

For now, we have given some answers to your queries. We are in answering phase now so please give us a few more time.

At the time we have a good news 
Nepali Wikipedia is entering to Teenage by next week. We are grown up! We are celebrating the Anniversary on 3rd of June. For the event we request to allocate NRs. 50,000.00 to celebrate it.

Please tell us about the procedure to have this decision made quickly.


On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 10:58 PM, Alex Wang <awang@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Ganesh and Hempal,

Please note that we have left comments/questions and instructions on submitting a reallocation request on the discussion page of your report.


It would be great to have your response so we can move forward with accepting the report.



Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Skype: alexvwang

Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Skype: alexvwang

Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Skype: alexvwang

Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Skype: alexvwang

Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Skype: alexvwang

Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Skype: alexvwang

With kind regards, 

Hempal Shrestha
FOSS Solutions : A Knowledge Collaboration Enterprise
G.P.O Box: 5501
1753 Ramshah Path, Near Nepal Share Market, 
Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal

Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Skype: alexvwang

Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Skype: alexvwang

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Project & Event Grants
Wikimedia Foundation
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