Hi N M, 

It seems like such a long time ago now. I'll have to look up what I did but the one thing I will not forget is the one-on-one mentoring with a third-year engineering student. He was very keen and continued to work at university. He uploaded his first article last week - nicely linked, not an orphan, well-written, good references, good templates. 

I've talked about opportunities to promote Wikipedia at different organizations where I also volunteer. There have been offers to have me come to talk to their groups but they haven't materialized yet. I have made first indirect contacts with a museum and the university. 

Warm regards, Maureen

On 18 February 2016 at 14:22, N M <nikkinita_m@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,
I'm excited to share with you some recent updates from our global branches.

We'd love to hear of any updates we might have missed. What's happening in your branch?

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Maureen Flynn-Burhoe