No matter what I change "My preferences/math" to, I always get the same thing, which is mostly PNGs. I've checked on the blahtex web pages that I can use MathML in my Firefox but the preferences on don't seem to do anything. I haven't found anywhere an explanation of why the preferences/math tab does nothing, not in the preferences tab, not in the help for the preferences tab, not in the discussion pages.
Can anyone explain to me what's going on, and possibly update and even
Sébastien Loisel
Sebastien Loisel wrote:
No matter what I change "My preferences/math" to, I always get the same thing, which is mostly PNGs. I've checked on the blahtex web pages that I can use MathML in my Firefox but the preferences on don't seem to do anything. I haven't found anywhere an explanation of why the preferences/math tab does nothing, not in the preferences tab, not in the help for the preferences tab, not in the discussion pages.
Can anyone explain to me what's going on, and possibly update and even
It's possible that a lot of <math> entries are using the ,! (or whatever it is) construct to force PNG rendering...
I have totally had it with the dutch wikipedia so in a reactio today I let myself go and told them how I felt. I expect the quite large political correct brigade on nl.wikipedia to desyssop me soon. In which case I will voluntarily step down from all my work in wikimediaprojects. I am getting sick and tired of the debateclimate that seems to become more and more common. To spoil the fun of the political correct brigade here is the dutch original and english translation of what I said:
/English: The guidelines suck they leave us no room to deal with pissheads like Verrekijker/Versieck. And on top of that someone threatened to desyssop me. Walter please mail that person that they have to do what they cannot let go. Please. I am sick and tired of the threatening behind my back, No one can blackmail me. I am doing everything that I feel is necessary to keep nl: wiki a good place voor the users that come here to edit and write an encyclopedia (99,99% of the users) and that they have discussions every now and then ... that is normal, it goes with the territory. I do not give a flying fuck though for the ruleinterpreters, the talkpage knights who only discuss because they like to discuss and the trolls. I hope that their computers will give them a deadly powershock. We have only one rule as far as I am concerned and that is that we are writing an encyclopedia and everyone who is not helping with that can go to hell as far as I am concerned.
Dutch original:/ /De richtlijnen zuigen en laten ons totaal geen ruimte om adequat met etterbakken als Verrekijker/Versieck en anderen te dealen. En dan is er iemand die gedreigd heeft met een desysopprocedure voor mij. Walter mail die persoon dat ze vooral hun gang moeten gang. Alsjeblieft. Ik ben het eeuwige achter mijn rug gedreig zat. Ik ben niet chanteerbaar. Ik doe alles wat ik nodig acht om de nl: wiki een goede plaats te houden voor de gebruikers die hier serieus komen om te editten (dus 99,99%) en dat die wel eens een discussie hebben ach wat dat is normaal dat hoort erbij!..... ik geef echter geen ene malle moer om de regeltjesinterpreteerders de overlegridders die overleggen voor het plezier en de trollen. Ik hoop dat die allemaal een dodelijke stroomschok krijgen vanachter hun computer. We hebben hier maar een regel en dat is dat we een encyclopedie aan het schrijven zijn en iedereen die daar niet aan meedoet kan wat mij betreft naar de hel lopen.
Waerth/Walter /
Sebastien Loisel wrote:
No matter what I change "My preferences/math" to, I always get the same thing, which is mostly PNGs. I've checked on the blahtex web pages that I can use MathML in my Firefox but the preferences on don't seem to do anything. I haven't found anywhere an explanation of why the preferences/math tab does nothing, not in the preferences tab, not in the help for the preferences tab, not in the discussion pages.
The MathML mode doesn't work for almost anything at this time. Only very simple equations like "x = y".
-- brion vibber (brion @
On 12/31/05, Walter van Kalken wrote:
We have only one rule as far as I am concerned and that is that we are writing an encyclopedia and everyone who is not helping with that can go to hell as far as I am concerned.
Well said, Walter. Please stick with it; you are very much appreciated in the global Wikimedia community.
Happy new year!
-- Sam