We've now moved ms.wikipedia.org, th.wikipedia.org and ja.wikipedia.org to the Yahoo cluster in Seoul. With the addition of ja, it's now getting most of its planned traffic share, there's only a few other small wikis which could potentially be moved. It's dealing with the load quite well.
A few teething problems were reported, and there might yet be some to be discovered, but for the most part, it's working as planned.
-- Tim Starling
Question: Shouldn't id.wiki be moved at some point, seeing as it serves a similar geographical area to but is bigger than ms.wiki?
On 29/10/05, Tim Starling t.starling@physics.unimelb.edu.au wrote:
We've now moved ms.wikipedia.org, th.wikipedia.org and ja.wikipedia.org to the Yahoo cluster in Seoul. With the addition of ja, it's now getting most of its planned traffic share, there's only a few other small wikis which could potentially be moved. It's dealing with the load quite well.
A few teething problems were reported, and there might yet be some to be discovered, but for the most part, it's working as planned.
-- Tim Starling
Wikipedia-l mailing list Wikipedia-l@Wikimedia.org http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikipedia-l
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Mark Williamson wrote:
Question: Shouldn't id.wiki be moved at some point, seeing as it serves a similar geographical area to but is bigger than ms.wiki?
Routing in Asia is very unpredictable. The larger the distance, the higher the chances of the request being routed via the US. In our tests, Malaysia was consistently routed via Japan to Korea, whereas as Indonesia was usually routed via the west coast of America. PNG has only satellite links, ping times to it were largely independent of the source. The commercial ISPs in Australia gave a slightly faster RTT to yaseo than to pmtpa, but the academic network, AARNET, consistently routed via America. Our tests for India showed unstable routing. Sometimes pmtpa was faster, sometimes knams, sometimes yaseo.
As a result, I don't think we should move anything south of Malaysia, or anything west of China, to yaseo
-- Tim Starling