
          Please feel free to use what I wrote about servers in any way you like.  If you want to use it in am Encyclopedia article it needs to be edited to remove the first person references and written in the third person.  Allowance needs to be made for the fact that the Encyclopedia will be read as some indefinite time in the future.

          I tried to write this as an introductory explanation of what servers are and what they do.  It would seem silly to a person who spends all day working with servers but most computer users understand little about servers.

You may find information about servers in ”howstuffworks” on the Internet.

Most people who work with computers don't know much about electronics. They would not know what I was talking about if I described a circuit board using an LM3900N quad comparator which could choose which one of 4 outposts to actuate depending on the value of the resistor connected to the input.  They would not know anything about operational amplifiers.  They would not know that LM stands for linear monolithic or what that means.

I am a life member of IEEE, a life member of Computer Society, and subscribe to Dr. Dobbs Journal but most people never heard of them.  They give me access to a vast amount of technical information but I have made little use of it.

When I get the time. I would like to write Encyclopedia articles on many subjects: Rose of Sharon, Jesse Ramsden, Queen Christiana of Sweden, Count Rumsford, William Strutt, vitamin B12, screws and a long list of other subjects.  I would need to look and see what is already in the Encyclopedia.

I started collecting information about vitamin B12 after I was diagnosed as having pernicious anemia, which is easily treated.

                    Merritt L. Perkins