Hey Toan, I don't know where the articles are stored! I don't know what's under the hood.
I'm forwarding this to Wikipedia-L to get their input. It's definitely seems to be a problem, knowing exactly what text to grab...you programmers no doubt have a better idea than I do. But anyway we want to send out, to all interested subscribers, a random Wikipedia article (hopefully, not a /Talk page, but in the beginning that won't matter) via e-mail.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Toan Vo" toan@bomis.com To: "Larry Sanger" lsanger@nupedia.com Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 12:22 AM Subject: Article-A-Day for Wikipedia
I'm planning to do the job request from you "Article-A-Day for Wikipedia", but I'm not sure what the job required? I can grab text from html, but the thing is how do you know which page is an article because all the pages are the same? Do you put all articles under some sub directory so we can recognized it as an article?