I would like to start a Wikipedia in a language called Europanto. I attached the Wiki article that explain it better than I can. Looking foward for hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Alfredo Carpineti
From Wikipedia.org:
Europanto is a constructed language, a linguistic jest with a hodge-podge vocabulary from many European languages. It was created in 1996 by Diego Marani, a translator for the European Council of Ministers in Brussels. Marani created it in response to the perceived dominance of the English language; it is an emulation of the effect that non-native speakers struggling to learn a language typically add words and phrases from their native language to express their meanings clearly. The single outstanding feature of Europanto is that there are no fixed rules -- merely a set of suggestions. This means that anybody can start to speak Europanto immediately, on the other hand it is the speaker's responsibility to draw on an assumed common vocabulary and grammar between himself and the audience, to make himself understood. Effectively, Europanto as it is used, tends to have a grammar much like English, with words borrowed from various languages and adapted to be easily understood. It is sometimes considered a parody of the international auxiliary language genre, particularly the "Euroclone" variety, namely their preceived tendency to very strongly formalize speech, and impose strict, but arbitrary rules on it. The name Europanto is a portmanteau combination of European and the Greek stem πάντ- (all), and resembles Esperanto. Marani wrote regular newspaper columns about the language and published a novel using it. As of 2005, he no longer actively promotes it. [edit] Sample
Eine terrible menace incumbe over el Kingdom des Angleterra. Poor Regina Elisabeth habe spent todo seine dinero in charmingantes hats und pumpkinose carrosses und maintenow habe keine penny left por acquire de Champagne dat necessite zum celebrate Prince Charles anniversario op el 14 Novembro. (Diego Marani) (Which translates as "A terrible menace has come over the Kingdom of England. Poor Queen Elizabeth has spent all of her money in charming hats and pumpkin carriages, and now is left without a penny to buy the Champagne which is necessary to celebrate Prince Charles' birthday on November 14th.") [edit]