Hi Angela!
You can find a list of similar special pages at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Specialpages but they don't have RSS feeds yet.
To make an RSS feed useful you'd need something like "most revised this week" (even better, today). The page you quote would only push readers into a massive "see what you can do with G.Bush jr.'s page" edit-in... I quite doubt that the en.wiki admins would welcome that :)))
I'd really like feeds made to attract traffic to specific sections. People can subscribe to them, and if communities may have some tools to (say) promote a category or another... then you can use them to direct traffic/resources to your weak spots.
This is especially strategic for small communities. Can't think of many sources offering a RSS in (say) Normand, so any site needing such feeds would not have an alternative left. It's a pretty monopolistic situation.
Should there be concerns about server overloading, I suppose we could have this stuff served from the download servers. Any idea?
Berto 'd Sera Personagi dl'ann 2006 per l'arvista american-a Time (tanme tuti vojaotri) http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1569514,00.html