I'm sorry -- I must have gotten stupid all of a sudden, because I could swear that, with a minimum of effort, any user could watch any other user.  One simply bookmarks the user's contribution list -- this can be done with IP addresses.  There's a watch page function -- that's another way to keep an eye on what's going on.  Why is the suggestion of a "watch user" function getting people's knickers in a twist?  The only people I think have a right to get uptight about this are the programmers, because it's extra work for functionality that's already there.

As for all the nasty comments about banning Helga -- well, first, this particular playground belongs to Jimbo and BOMIS -- if Jim wants to make a rule and enforce it, that's his prerogative.  The fact that he waited so long to take such an action is admirable, although I think a serious threat at an earlier date might have helped to define the actions worthy of a ban.  Moreover, the fact that Jim is willing to allow the people who use the playground to help define the rules of participation is generous and encourages wikipedians to feel part of a larger good.  Still, this is a little community, and communities generally need some rules and boundaries to keep people from feeling put-upon.  No one has any inalienable rights here, except the right (and perhaps the obligation) to leave if they don't like how things are done.

That said, I think that, if bans are to be used, there should be a clear statement of the kinds of things that warrant a ban, as well as a posted escalation process (like  a formal warning that the person is being considered for a ban, request to join the list, etc.).

Jules, who has only looked at recent changes once (so far) today.