I think the problem was that Google had cached our page, and I just deleted it.  You therefore got sent to a nonexistent entity.


 sannse <sannse@delphiforums.com> wrote:

I just did a search on Google for "Okhrana" and came up with
www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Okhrana&action=edit as the 10th hit.
But that's a link to an edit page (and for some reason one without the
"You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist.." explanation.)

If edit pages show up in Google like this, that must really increase the
number of confused nonsense edits. (It was looking for information for a
stub to replace one of these that made me do the search in the first place.)

Isn't there some way excluding edit pages from being seen by Google?


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