On Day 5 (Tuesday 22 February eastern US timezone since PayPal data are not available in UTC) we made $6,704.38 (USD equivalent) through PayPal (completed payments only; no updates available for other sources at this time). This is a increase of 6.63% from Day 4 and represents 16.21% of total funds collected so far ($$41,352.44 ; only counting full days) and 8.94% of our goal ($75,000).
All Wikimedia sites were either down or slow and read-only for most of the day.
Day 5 Day 4 comparison Breakdown: PayPal USD equiv USD equiv %change AUD 42.22 $33.37 $23.46 42.25% CAD 287.30 $232.80 $608.01 -61.71% EUR 953.10 $2,553.09 $1,844.16 38.44% GBP 313.77 $595.47 $598.17 -0.45% JPY 13792 $130.73 $76.61 70.65% USD 3158.91 $3,158.91 $3,137.11 0.69% PayPal total: $6,704.38 $6,287.52 6.63% MoneyBookers no data $0.00 -na- TOTAL $6,704.38 $6,287.52 6.63%
NOTE: Pending transactions are also included in the below numbers (some of them will likely turn out to be canceled)
Grand totals so far (only counting complete days) PayPal USD equiv %GrandTotal AUD 1197.00 $946.23 2.29% CAD 1972.57 $1,598.37 3.87% EUR 11343.52 $14,828.25 35.86% GBP 1951.24 $3,703.06 8.95% JPY 104096 $986.73 2.39% USD 18863.11 $18,863.11 45.62% PayPal total: $40,925.75 Moneybookers: $426.69 1.03% GRAND TOTAL $41,352.44 100.00% % toward goal 55.14%
For the most recent grand total and other details visit http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Fund_drives/2005/Q1
Some selected comments from Day 5: See http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Fund_drives/2005/Q1/Day_5
"The best site to arise from the internet: free access to all human knowledge" by Raymond Hill
"Wikipedia is my homepage. I learn something new everyday." by Anonymous
"Knowledge should be free, and that is what Wikipedia is about!" by Hendrik Richter
"I wikipedia now instead of google my searches." by Michael Patronik
"as an international student in sweden where books are expensive, this free library is wondeful" by Florian Gruenke
"just a small token of appreciation for SUCH a wonderful group of resources" by Anonymous
"Wikipedia is the most informative website I have ever been to" by Timothy Oster
"Hopefully this can help prevent future outages! Keep up the great work, from everyone at tp.org!" by Joseph Moran
"Wikimedia is entertaining, reliable and important. Thank you." by Anonymous
"Thanks Wikipedia. You're my favourite website." by Oliver Kiehl
"Nice work to all involved behind the scenes!" by Anonymous
"Wikipedia is a shining example of the power and durability of the original Internet spirit: preserving and extending the commons." by Fergus O'Reilly
"image is nothing, thirst for knowledge is everything" by Anonymous
"Wikimedia projects: the 8th wonder of the world, thanks !" by Francois Schnell
"I'd rather read Wikipedia than my college text books." by William Rose
Some of my favorites:
"i just found this place out! and hell yes i'll support this!" by Don Nguyen
"The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty." by Izaro Lopez-Garcia
"You guys rock. We use MediaWiki software for our wiki and love it. Thanks for making our dream project possible." by Jack Herrick
"If you use it, and you can afford it, you SHOULD pay for it." by Tucker Lentz
"Brilliant" by Anonymous
Daniel Mayer, Wikimedia CFO
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