Be sure that if you save into an external editor, that you re-type your apostrophes and quotation marks when you paste back into the Wiki space, some editors' special characters show up as weird characters on Wiki.


 Toby Bartels <> wrote:

Steve Callaway wrote:

>I am actually fairly guilty of this, particularly when working on pages with
>complex tables. Is this really such a big deal? Save often is my motto. But
>I'll save less frequently if the consensus suggests this is the right way to

I never hide minor edits, so it's not a big deal to *me*.
However, I gather that this would be helpful to other people.

As for saving often, that's certainly good policy.
But you may have to save in an external editor instead.
Indeed, you may want to do all of the editing externally,
only copying the text to the Wikipedia edit box
when you want to preview the wiki markup.

My browser crashes more often than my external editor, in any case.

-- Toby
Wikipedia-l mailing list

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