On the talk page for Max Weismann maveric wrote the following...
And what has this person done to warrent an encyclopedia article? There are A LOT of presidents and directors of entities and a lot more editors -- why is this one so special? --[[user:maveric149|maveric149]]
Now I'm not criticising Dan at all here, simply exploring the issues that this comment raises.
It is a question that strikes at the very heart of the Wikipedia project... who decides what deserves to be here and what doesn't? The article in question does not contravene any of the Wikipedia rules, it does not advertise, it's not offensive... it's just boring and trivial, and probably of no interest to anyone except his close friends
The deal is that "Great Ideas" is a cult more or less of the same order as "Star Trek" or "Ayn Rand." One soon realizes that when one encounters a devotee. So that probably why it's here and why it's significant. I think the decision was make long ago from the looks of the topics in Wikipedia that if at least a small group was passionate about something articles on it were ok.
The topics I wonder about are the cheeses. Now, Cornish Yarg Cheese is just a made up name that folks who run one dairy, mostly using milk from one farm make. Hardly a generic variety. Course I wrote the article on that myself, and might write more on that long list under cheese. It was fun.
Now is it advertising if one says how to get Yarg cheese? Or gives a web site where it may be purchased. Given that I've nothing to do with those folks.
Fred Bauder