what does it matter?

 "Poor, Edmund W" <Edmund.W.Poor@abc.com> wrote:

We don't know Lir's real age. She describes herself as a woman, so it's fair to assume we know her sex. But we can only guess at her age. Not only do ladies often not care to reveal such personal info, it's rare for people online to do so either. She acknowledges *acting* like a 14-year-old.
Less than 5% of the contributors whose Usernames I recognize go by their real names: Jimbo Wales, Larry Sanger do it because of their positions as founder and shaper. I do it because I don't want anyone saying, "These Moonies always hide behind a facade; see, even BigMetalGuy won't reveal his real name."
As one of my favorite New Yorker cartoons points out, "On the Internet no one knows you're a dog."
Ed Poor (my real name)
"Opinions expressed here are no reflection of my employer's policies." (my official disclaimer)
www.edpoor.com (my real boring website)
-----Original Message-----
From: Zoe [mailto:zoecomnena@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 6:40 PM
To: wikipedia-l@nupedia.com
Subject: [Wikipedia-l] Lir, yet again.

Lir is deleting the contents of the [[Talk:Lir]] page. Not that this is NOT her user talk page but is the talk page about the article [[Lir]], concerning the Celtic god.  Ed Poor and I have both suggested that she not do so, especially since the thing she is deleting is NOT something she wrote, but she insists on doing so.  I will stop the edit war for now, but I will revert it once she's gone to bed for the night.  Her bedtime must be soon, she probably has to go to school in the morning.


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