As part of the community review team to distribute laptops and internet stipends under Project Tiger, we would like to bring to your attention the following:

* Applications are closed for the support program now. We have received 271 applications so far. No more applications are being accepted now. 
* You may continue to endorse the applications.Also, you should encourage  others to do so. 
* The applications are under review by the community review team. We plan to publish the list of recipients by 4th March, 2018.
* Shortlisted applicants will be contacted via their talk pages and email address.
Feel free to reach out to any of us if you need help or clarification. 
Please follow https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Supporting_Indian_Language_Wikipedias_Program/Support for more details and updates.

Dhaval S. Vyas
Yohann Thomas
Manavpreet Kaur