Hello everyone,

One does actually not need any coding while generating or implementing QR. http://qrpedia.org/ is an excellent platform to generate QR codes within matter of seconds linking to your respective articles.

Creating QR and taking print outs of it is very easy. But what lies behind is some broader survey like where do we want to install these? Are articles related to the place already on Wikipedia? If yes then which, English or Gujarati? Where would you like your QR to direct EN or GU WP?

AFAIK Pranav Curumsey has already installed these QR codes in some of the Swaminarayan Temples in Mumbai. He could be contacted if and when needed. He would love to help.

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Noopur <noopur.raval@gmail.com> wrote:
I am just waiting for the Ahmedabad program to finish as we also have some gujarati schools waiting in Rajkot who want a workshop. So, we can definitely start with this and do some activities!

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Maharshi Mehta <maharshi_d_mehta@yahoo.com> wrote:
Thanks for your prompt feedback. Ashokbhai Modhvadia and Jitendrasinh are both active members living in Junagadh. Jitendrasinh lives in Rajkot but I am sure he would love to help. 

Best Regards,

From: Noopur <noopur.raval@gmail.com>
To: Maharshi Mehta <maharshi_d_mehta@yahoo.com>
Cc: "amvaishnav@indiatimes.com" <amvaishnav@indiatimes.com>; "wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org" <wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org>; Ashok Vaishnav <ashokmvaishnav@yahoo.com>; Ashok modhvadia <ashokmodhvadia@gmail.com>; Dsvyas <dsvyas@gmail.com>; sanjay pandya <sanjaypandya003@gmail.com>; sushant savla <sushant_savla@rediffmail.com>; Vyom Majmudar <vyom73163@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 18 September 2012 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: QR Tag for Gujarati Wiki

Great idea! I remember that people of Junagadh did some Facebook competition also? We should definitely try something if there is somebody locally based in Junagadh. I have some documents from the photo walk we conducted. Maybe we could use that and do a QR code walk. Pranav from Mumbai has experience in QR coding.

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Maharshi Mehta <maharshi_d_mehta@yahoo.com> wrote:

Can we try this for Junagadh City and cover its monuments with QR tags and link them to our Gujarati wiki articles? We may try with some other cities as well. Just a thought. 

PS: some of the emails are missing. Can somebody forward it to the missing persons? 

Best Regards,

Noopur Raval
Arts and Aesthetics
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Ph: 9650567690

Noopur Raval
Arts and Aesthetics
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Ph: 9650567690

Wikipedia-gu mailing list

Arnav (ricku).
