Dear wikimediance,
Please inform me process of Participate in This meet

Adv. Prakashkumar Korat

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019, 4:52 PM Tito Dutta <> wrote:
The meetup and workshop will take place on 23-24 February 2019 at Ahmedabad
After the Indian Wikisource Consultation Gujarati Wikisource community members are interested in this workshop. I believe this workshop and the meetup will be helpful for them. We'll make sure to follow-up this event with future plan(s).

Tito Dutta
Note: If I don't reply to your email in 2 days, please feel free to remind me over email or phone call.

On Sat, 16 Feb 2019 at 19:51, Tito Dutta <> wrote:
Hello Dhaval,
Thank you for your reply. 
I confirm that I do not have any information about the cancellation of the upcoming workshop in Gujarat. However this is true that we have to ensure that necessary groundwork and needs assessment are done properly and that is the message I conveyed to my team. I have asked my team members to check this and get back to me and the mailing list as soon as possible. In the last email I told that we would get back in 3 days/72 hours. 
In case the community feels or we feel that the event needs more time to prepare we may postpone it, but as of now we have not reached any decision. I hope that makes things clear. 
You brought up an excellent point we are really thankful for that. If you have suggestions or idea about conducting or improving this workshop please let us know either over the email thread or personally. We hope to get back soon with more information.
(Sent using mobile, kindly excuse brevity and typos)

On Sat, Feb 16, 2019, 7:34 PM Dhaval S. Vyas <> wrote:
Thank you Tito for your quick reply yesterday.

Meanwhile it gas been brought to my notice that due to my this question, Wikisource meetup has now been cancelled/postponed.

I am saddened to know that my concern raised here in general with mere example of 2 events has been used as a shield to take a decision on the event that was "still in planning stage". If the decision to cancel the event was due to the interpretation of my concern as "no support from community", it is very unfortunate.

I never said or indicated that I do nit support the initiative. Please point me to the statement where you or anybody got that indication.

This whole episode makes me think whether the Project Tiger Consultation is also being cancelled due to its mention in the same email by me.

In either case, if you decided to cancel the Ahmedabad solely because of me, I should have been informed or at least consulted before taking such a huge decision and communicating to the community. This has only created rift in a very small community of Gujarati Wikimedians and nothing else.

Thank you,
Dhaval Sudhanva Vyas

On Fri, 15 Feb 2019, 11:14 Tito Dutta < wrote:
Hello Dhaval,
Thank you for your email and your suggestions.

There seem to be 2 questions here:
1) Project Tiger Community Consultation: and 2) Gujarati Wikisource community consultation.

I'll try to answer your questions.
1) Project Tiger Community Consultation: You know Project Tiger (PT) community consultation 1.0 ended some time ago, and you may also know from Wikimedia Foundation/Google or from some other social media post that the next iteration of Project may be started sometime this year, probably in a few months.
The consulltation is planned as a colcluding event of Project Tiger 1.0 with an objective of gathering feedback, experiences (may be in form of presentations), meet and greet PT contributors, brainstorming etc. The planning part started early, in the beginning of January, and at that same time we talked to WMF PT team, and who discussed with Google. We are doing ground-work on this. We'd like to conduct this event in a good way.

2) Gujarati community Wikisource meetup: The event is in planning stage. I remember it being discussed by Gujarati community members over email, and I know some community members are working on this.
I need a little time to check. I'll check this and get back to you in next 72 hours/3 days (maximum).

I once again thank you for your email and suggestions.

Tito Dutta
Note: If I don't reply to your email in 2 days, please feel free to remind me over email or phone call.

On Fri, 15 Feb 2019 at 14:51, Dhaval S. Vyas <> wrote:
Hi All,

Don't know whether it is only me, does anybody else here also feels that there is a rush in somehow spend money, or should I say blow up money, or rather "meet the target spend"?

For example this consultation is being planned, there is a Wikisource meet in Ahmedabad being planned, all at very short notice and without any substantial groundwork. Any consultation or meet needs a planning of at least a couple of months, especially if you're targeting pan India participation. Booking train/flight tickets with just 2-3 weeks notice will not be expensive?

Could these things not be organised later in the year giving more time to the communities to consult and organisers to prepare themselves? Or is it just because there is a 31st March deadline to utilise the budget which remained unspent till date?

If we do the so called Gujarati Wikisource Meet aka Workshop in 2 weeks, what level of participation are we expecting? What is the expected outcome?

At least these 2 things certainly make me think that there is sone Rush in spending money.

Dhaval Sudhanva Vyas

On Fri, 15 Feb 2019, 08:54 Rajeeb Dutta < wrote:
Hello Gopala,
I really admire this initiative though doesn’t understand the criteria of how you people are selecting 20 participants? and some of extent agrees with Abhinav of inviting the subsequent participant by the order of rank or inviting some senior community members as it will be helpful for community consultation program.

Hoping a successful event and feeling pride to be a contributor for the same.

Best Regards,
Rajeeb Dutta.
Sent from my iPhone

On 15-Feb-2019, at 1:05 PM, Abhinav srivastava <> wrote:

Hello Gopal, 

The final result of the Project Tiger has a highly volatile result, some communities have done remarkably well in terms of metrics while some haven’t. The idea of giving preference to women participants is a welcome step. 

However, why the idea of inviting jury? The role of jury in this exercise was narrow, limited and not even inviting any hard decisions. It is my personal observation that inviting the subsequent participant by the order of rank or inviting some senior community member with community consensus could be a better idea. 

Perhaps, the jury who worked on computer and internet scholarship could be invited.


On Friday, 15 February 2019, Gopala Krishna A <> wrote:
I would like to give an update regarding this. In this event we are expecting total 20 participants. So far only 10 people confirmed their participation.
From each community we are inviting two participants. Those two participants are the top three performers (Indians Wikipedians) of Project tiger edit-a-thon 2018. We are planning to invite jury members where ever top contributors of the highest performed language can not attend. Also, we are giving preference to women participants.

On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 12:13 PM Gopala Krishna A <> wrote:
Dear Mourya,
Yes. We invited active participants (Indians) of Project Tiger Edit-a-thon 2018 from all participated communities.

On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 10:05 PM Mourya Biswas <> wrote:
Thank you very much. I hope some of the active participants from the last year's editathon, of Bengali community will be invited.

Warmest regards
Mourya Biswas "মৌর্য্য বিশ্বাস"
Phone: +91-8184877240
Twitter : @themouryan

On Mon, 4 Feb 2019 at 13:46, Tito Dutta <> wrote:
Greetings from CIS-A2K team, We're planning to conduct a community consultation program for Project Tiger. The objectives of this consultation program are:
  • Revisiting the Project Tiger 2018; Strength and Challenges
  • Discussion on the coming iteration of Project Tiger.
  • Project Tiger contributors meet & greet.
The event will take place on 2-3 March 2019, and the event place will be announced shortly. Please see the event page here:
We will be inviting the participants from different Indian community based on their contribution in the Project Tiger 2018 edit-a-thon.

Tito Dutta
Note: If I don't reply to your email in 2 days, please feel free to remind me over email or phone call.
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Gopala Krishna A
Community Advocate, CIS-A2K
Contact : +918884244408

Gopala Krishna A
Community Advocate, CIS-A2K
Contact : +918884244408

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