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From: "Tito Dutta" <trulytito@gmail.com>
Date: 21 Feb 2018 9:50 am
Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] Supporting Indian Language Wikipedias Program Review Committee Anouncement
To: "Wikimedia India Community list" <wikimediaindia-l@lists.wikimedia.org>

A couple of weeks ago we informed you about Supporting Indian Language Wikipedias Program Review Committee and requested experienced Indic Wikimedians to be a part of it. Many thanks to the Indic Wikimedians who showed interest to serve the team.

In the interest of a quick process and a diverse team with experience in grants handling, a few Wikimedians have been chosen as members of the committee and they are:
* User:Manavpreet_Kaur
* User: Dsvyas
* User:Yohannvt (Wikimedia India representative)

We once again thank everyone who showed interest. We will reach out to you in future if we need further support. Please let us know if you have any question.

Tito Dutta
Note: If I don't reply to your email in 2 days, please feel free to remind me over email or phone call.

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