Hey Sucheta,

It would be great if you could share the news about event with any of your friends who might be interested or a FOSS enthusiast!

Also if you have any suggestions/ideas about what can be discussed during the event please feel free to add to the agenda. We welcome any FOSS related discussions as well! :-)


On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Sucheta Ghoshal <sucheta.ghoshal@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Sayak,

It is indeed a great idea. I have been wondering about it lately.
Will definitely try to attend the meetup on  22nd.

Thanks for this grand initiative. Let me know if you need any support/ help in organizing this!


On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 11:23 AM, Sayak Sarkar <sayak.bugsmith@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm Sayak Sarkar a Mozilla Rep originally from Kolkata, but currently based in Pune.

I'm currently at Kolkata and was planning a MozCafe meetup with all Open Source Enthusiasts along with all Mozilla volunteers from Kolkata and the surrounding regions.

I know that the Kolkata chapter of the Wikipedia groups is quite active and was wondering if you would be interested in joining us for the meetup.

You can find the link to the event's agenda here: https://india.etherpad.mozilla.org/MozCafe-Kolkata

We currently have a very flourishing FOSS community in Pune in collaboration with all Open-source groups there such as Wikipedia, Drupal and Pune-LUG, and I was wondering if we can have something similar setup in Kolkata as well.

Please do go through the link and let me know what are thoughts about it. It would be great to have the Wikipedia Kolkata group on-board for this meet as well.

[Also, sorry for the cross-posting, wasn't quite sure which list would be appropriate.]


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