
Greetings from Wiki Conference India 2016 Team.

Everyone is requested to participate in this short survey to help us learn more about WikiConference India 2016 participants' capabilities, needs, interests and expectations regarding conference programs.

How we’ll use this data: We will collect responses to assess whether and what type of conference programs would be most beneficial for the Wikimedia community in India. Individual responses or comments will not be made publicly available unless in anonymized or aggregate form.

In legalese: Your privacy is important to us. As allowed by law, we will only share your responses with WCI 2016 helping on this survey. We may, however, publicly share anonymous statistics about the responses in aggregate form. Wikimedia is a worldwide organization. By answering these questions, you permit us to record and transfer your responses to the United States and other places as may be necessary to carry out the objectives of this project. You also agree to refrain from incorporating your personal information in response to a question that doesn’t ask for it and to donate your responses to the public domain. For terms and privacy considerations related to Google Forms, consult the Privacy Policy (https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/) and Terms of Use (http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/terms/) of Google.

Survey link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Tn5TCFE4DkrAhIVmXk_Hx--upllCRU5pQlz6G_7Qb5M/edit?ts=575ad1a7


WikiConference India Team