
This is a bit off-topic, but I think there may be wikinewsies with the expertise for which I'm searching.

I will very soon be part of a group operating a local origination television station (think "public access" with the potential for profit). Basically, we'll be given a connection to the cable-office head-end and given free reign to broadcast whatever we wish -- 20% of any revenue must be returned to the cable provider. The station was previously operated by a single individual running PowerPoint ads almost 24/7 (with the occasional local sporting event/meeting). We'd like to offer more content (including some news and Wikinews will be part of that). Any programming we produced will be released under a free license or into the public domain. All of this is background, I know, but I thought you might be interested.

Knowing there has been on-and-off discussion of Video Wikinews, I thought some of you might have suggestions for:
* Video Editing Software (free)
* Broadcast Software & Hardware
* Other general tips/thoughts

I would prefer to free and open source software (because it's "free" and because I want to promote the FOSS movement). None of us are hardcore coders.

I appreciate your thoughts -- if this is terribly off-topic, please feel free to reply to me off-list.



Nathan Reed