Like Amgine, and most or all of the other Wikinews enthusiasts I've spoken with, I'm eager to see Wikinews under a CC-BY license. (I would prefer public domain if I didn't trust Larry Lessig's opinion on legal matters a billion times more than my own.)

Regarding the CC-WIKI license, has the Share-Alike clause been addressed? The most recent draft of CC-WIKI ( includes a Share-Alike clause that I don't think we want, although I personally wouldn't mind it.

I'm also fine with the migration clause, by the way, though I would like to hear a confirmation of Robin Shannon's understanding:
"If I understand correctly, the material would still be licensed CC-BY so Wikimedia could not declare it All Rights Reserved"
Back to "ferreting out false postings,"
Brandon, who has briefly escaped the sweeping pings that normally plague him.