We must have wait his response before impossing a community ban on him.

Diego Grez
Email Profile

Accredited Reporter
Wikinews Chile

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SPAM] Re: [Wikinews-l] Fwd: Re: Wikipedia e-mail (Matthew
Edwards' email)
From: "Brian McNeil [Wikinewsie]" <brian.mcneil@wikinewsie.org>
Date: Thu, June 03, 2010 3:59 pm
To: Wikinews mailing list <wikinews-l@lists.wikimedia.org>

On Fri, 2010-06-04 at 10:20 +1200, Brian Anderton, (Wikinews) wrote:
> This is madness. I have been watching debate on ALERT, and I would
> like to express my displeasure at the way this has been handled.
> Without commentating on the individual merits of the case - there has
> been a massive overreaction. We may not be wikipedia, but I would
> expect we at least remain CIVIL in matters such as this. Community
> civil wars are never helpful.
> I note that we tend to have a civil war like this, every so often
> throughout our history. In addition, every time, people are driven
> away. It is something, that I feel, needs to be worked on to ensure,
> this never happens again.

Good luck with that.

Wikinews! Now with added "fluffy bunnies".

I'd draw a deep sigh, but I'm still nursing cracked ribs.

Brian McNeil [Wikinewsie] <brian.mcneil@wikinewsie.org>
http://www.wikinewsie.org | http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Brian_McNeil

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