Yes, released after I whinged.


Now go review the National Portrait Gallery article so I can spam it on Facebook! :-P





-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of SVTCobra
Sent: 14 July 2009 22:06
To: Wikinews mailing list
Subject: Re: [Wikinews-l] List mod wake up!


Brian, is this the Newcastle post you are taking about?


On Sun, 2009-07-12 at 11:20 +0100, Rainer Kalupke wrote:

For my MA dissertation "User-generated content and participatory audiences in journalism" at Newcastle University I am currently
conducting research into user motivation and participation.
Instead of looking at this topic from the journalists side, I want to focus on why people participate and  how people engage in the production of user-generated
content in a journalistic framework and if this can create a public sphere for discussion and debate outside mainstream media coverage.
For this purpose I am planning to conduct a survey among participants of several user-generated content platforms. Wikinews is one of the obvious choices and I would really appreciate it iif some of you would be able to take 5-10 minutes to participate in this survey.
The survey can be found at:
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to let me know...
Rainer Kalupke
Wikinews-l mailing list