Peres, now Cronkite? This just keeps getting better and better!

Do you believe that modern journalism is more "style over substance?"
Do you believe that the 1976 film Network has somewhat foreshadowed modern television journalism in someway?
What is your opinion on citizen journalism?
Do you think citizen journalists can report more truthfully then professional journalists?
What do you think about "Memogate?"
What is your opinion on blogs?

On Feb 7, 2008 4:41 PM, Brian McNeil <> wrote:

We have landed a good one here… An email interview with Walter Cronkite. I want the focus to be on his thoughts on modern journalism and not the stuff that is in his biography. Questions? Send me them, and do so ASAP.



Brian McNeil

Wikinews-l mailing list

Autism is both a gift and a curse at the same time; But I think of it as a gift.