No, you don't necessarily have to hide who you are. In fact, I hear they're more tolerable of homosexuality in tourists because they need the tourism money. My point is, it's not a matter of repressing who you are as a person. It's about lying to Egyptian officials where applicable. :)

On 10/11/07, Jason Safoutin <> wrote:
Huh? So we should hide who we are? We should cover up our acts as a
human being? Get real.

James Hare wrote:
> You're saying it as though gayness is naturally radiated out of a gay
> man's orifices.
> On 10/11/07, *Jason Safoutin* <
> < >> wrote:
>     So I see...we (homosexuals etc) have to hide who we are and what
>     we are
>     proud homosexuals don't get hurt or arrested.
>     Wonderful...I will
>     make sure to bring a mask or 2 to conceal anything that might
>     suggest I
>     am gay. Because thats what it feels like I ans any other
>     homosexual has
>     to do to make this trip work. Thats wrong, unfair and it
>     discrimination.
>     I am also not happy with the fact that this is sounding more and more
>     like a political conference than anything and thats not right. If you
>     want to make Wikimania political, then don't get involved. And then to
>     have Jimbo make a speech title that can get a lot into a lot of
>     trouble....take the political mess somewhere else. This is a media
>     conference, not an election.
>     Anyone can go and no one should have to be afraid of their own safety.
>     Wikimania should be something for everyone, not the elite. Stop this
>     discrimination.
>     Jason Safoutin
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