Didn't we get this already?
Twice starts to seem like spam...
Dear Wikinewsies,
We are conducting a study on the values and motivations of Wikinewsies, who post or edit stories on Wikinews. You were emailed because you are recognized as a Wikinewsy. The survey will take about 10 minutes. We deeply appreciate your help to answer the questions.
For each valid finished questionnaire, we will donate $1 to the Wikimedia Foundation. The results of the survey will be analyzed in an anonymous way and used only for academic purposes. If you are interested in the findings, please email ffgao@ufl.edu. We’d be more than happy to share the findings. Thank you for your time!
On-line Questionnaire: http://projects.jou.ufl.edu/survey/entry.jsp?id=1237918327020
Have a nice day!
Fangfang Gao
Doctoral Student
College of Journalism and Communications
University of Florida
PO Box 11840-200 Weimer Hall
Gainesville, FL, 32611-8400
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