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But anyway: Was it really necessary to send 7 (!) emails to the list?
M. Bimmler

2005/8/16, gristmiami@bellsouth.net <gristmiami@bellsouth.net>:
I NEED TO STOP RECEIVING ALL WIKINEWS..........PLEASE`STOP.    <gristmiami@bellsouth.net>
> From: "David Speakman" < david@speakman.com>
> Date: 2005/08/16 Tue AM 03:34:40 EDT
> To: "'Wikinews mailing list'" <wikinews-l@Wikimedia.org >
> Subject: Opposed to any more policy-setting via chat rooms RE: [Wikinews-l]
>       Todo list/Wikinews Future Talk 3
> I am against use of IRC to set Wikinews policy.
> These sessions are always attended by the same small group of people -
> whereas the majority of WN contributors cannot make it to the chats for
> various reasons.
> There is no valid argument as to why each and every issue raised cannot be
> handled in the wiki way - via talk pages. It may be slower, but it provides
> an adequate way for ALL interested parties to participate regardless of time
> zone.
> --
> David Speakman
> http://www.DavidSpeakman.com
> 501 Moorpark Way #83
> Mountain View CA 94041
> Phone: 408-382-1459
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: wikinews-l-bounces@Wikimedia.org
> > [mailto:wikinews-l-bounces@Wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Craig Spurrier
> > Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 1:51 PM
> > To: Wikinews mailing list
> > Subject: Re: [Wikinews-l] Todo list/Wikinews Future Talk 3
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > I think a third future talk is a great idea. I do however
> > have a few issues with this proposal.
> >
> > The date appears to be randomly chosen. IRC and any other
> > real time methods will exclude people based upon timezones
> > and available times. All of the other future talks times have
> > been chosen by creating a page with a list of possible times,
> > and having people indicate what dates/times they are
> > available. The date/time with the most people available is
> > then used. If they are unable to make the listed times, they
> > are encouraged to list what times they would be able to make.
> >
> > My second issue with this is the inclusion of the WNN
> > proposal in the items to discus. This proposal has been
> > discussed many times, and the results are always the same,
> > people arguing with nothing accomplished. The WNN proposal if
> > it is to survive, needs either to be ignored until the
> > project can support it, or for the previous discussions to be
> > acted upon.
> >
> > My third issue with it is Nick moderating it, no past future
> > talk has been moderated, and I do not think it should be
> > especially by some one with such strong opinions on many of the topics
> >
> > Craig Spurrier
> >
> >
> > Nicholas Gerda wrote:
> >
> > >Eloquence, Ed Brown and I came up with a starter list for
> > work that we
> > >feel should be accomplished on Wikinews.  This list follows and is
> > >freely available for editing at
> > >http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikinews:Todo_list .
> > >
> > >1. Resolve Portal namespace and Portal design issues
> > (encourage local
> > >reporting). 2. Resolve Google News indexing issues (Stable version
> > >flagging). 3. Revise decision-making process (Voting policy).
> > >4. Main Page (what belongs, what doesn't belong).
> > >5. Work on modifying WNN proposal to appease community's requests.
> > >6. Encourage more Investigative reporting.
> > >7. User-friendliness (we currently have high standards,
> > possible "This
> > >just in" raw news box).
> > >8. Expand editor base (Contact college journalism departments, etc.).
> > >
> > >These will be the set topics for Wikinews Future Talk 3,
> > which I plan
> > >on moderating on Saturday, August 20, at 21:00 UTC.
> > >
> > >Nick
> > >_______________________________________________
> > >Wikinews-l mailing list
> > >Wikinews-l@Wikimedia.org
> > >http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikinews-l
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Wikinews-l mailing list
> > Wikinews-l@Wikimedia.org
> > http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikinews-l
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Wikinews-l mailing list
> Wikinews-l@Wikimedia.org
> http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikinews-l

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Never use a preposition to end a sentence with. (Winston Churchill)