I agree. All of this shouldn't have happened. the stupid damage he caused was catastrophic for the community. I hope this will be, someday, forgotten.

Diego Grez
Email Profile

Accredited Reporter
Wikinews Chile

The content of this message in no way represents the opinions or official position of the Wikimedia Foundation or any of its projects.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Wikinews-l] [SPAM] Re: Fwd: Re: Wikipedia e-mail (Matthew
Edwards' email)
From: brian.mcneil@wikinewsie.org
Date: Fri, June 04, 2010 4:31 pm
To: "Wikinews mailing list" <wikinews-l@lists.wikimedia.org>

> Subject: Re: [Wikinews-l] [SPAM] Re: Fwd: Re: Wikipedia e-mail (Matthew
> Edwards' email)
> From: diego.grez@wikinewsie.org
> Date: Fri, June 04, 2010 8:17 pm
> To: "Wikinews mailing list" <wikinews-l@lists.wikimedia.org>

> We must have wait his response before impossing a community ban on him.

Are you referring to Matthew Edwards? Are you trying to reopen this can
of worms?

No. Stop it. Drop it. This circus needs brought to a complete halt; I
have not spent hundreds of dollars keeping the wikinewsie.org domain
running, put thousands of hours into keeping the project's identity
distinct from Wikipedia, and, all-too-often put it before things others
would give precedence to, for this sort of shit to happen.

Edwards had my private email, my private phone number, or could have
kept us all informed with a single line on-wiki if there was a problem.

None of these things happened; there was his return to Wikipedia
editing, and no notification to anyone on Wikinews. Zero response to
notification when I removed his Wikinewsie email.

The case is closed, and an un-fucking-believable amount of damage to the
community was the outcome.

I don't think making a credible, free, news source is a game. Do you?
Newspapers are disappearing behind paywalls; if you do not start
thinking a couple of years ahead, then I will have wasted the last five
pushing, cajoling, and - sometimes beating - the project and community
into a position to capitalise on that.

For the last time, and the last time only, archive these insane
flamefests and in-fighting off WN:RFP and WN:AAA. This can be reviewed
when we have all had a good time to cool off.

Personally, I'm questioning whether I should renew the Wikinewsie.org
domain next month. But, that decision is mine alone. With what has
happened in my personal life over the last two years it could,
ironically, be considered one of the very few assets I still own. Yet, I
hold it for what I see as a common good.


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