Public-service broadcasting does have ads.  For one they advertise themselves, they also advertise their own sponsors ("Paid for by the Annenburg Group"... and so on).

But the sort of advertisement of which we're speaking isn't that sort anyway.  Broadcast media forces the consumer to watch it from beginning to end, you can't flip back and forth through the pages.  Newspring advertisement can be completely ignored, not read at all, you can't do that with broadcast advertisement except to turn off the television when the ads come on.

So I think we're not like a broadcast at all.  We're like a print vehicle, where a reader can flip from page 2 to page 15 then back to page 7 at their whim.  The advertisements are not in-your-face.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian McNeil <>
To: Wikinews mailing list <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 3, 2009 8:12 pm
Subject: Re: [Wikinews-l] RfC: Free advertisements on Wikinews

On Tue, 2009-11-03 at 22:56 -0500, wrote:
> Broadcast news does certainly have advertisements. What do you mean?
> Cable news is paid for by subscription, which is merely another form
> of payment.
> Neither are "free" of monetary considerations.

Public-service broadcasting does not have advertisments. This is what
Wikinews is functionally equivalent to.

Brian McNeil <>
Wikinews-l mailing list