Dear Friends,

This is in continuation to the below mail from Noopur and to give it a better perspective.  CIS-A2K has given a small consultancy to Sajjad Anwar and Sumandro Chattopadhyay towards visualisation of the rich data offered by the Indic Wikipedia eco-system. As part of this assignment they are expected to build static visualizations (that visualises a static/unchanging set of data extracted from Indian language Wikipedia sites). The blog post link given by Noopur below is the first of our attempt to share with you all the initial set of visualizations. We believe this will be a useful tool for the Indian Wikimedia community.  

Please revert to us with your feedback and suggestions on how we can make it better. Here is the link of blog post again for your reference 

Thank you.

   4. [A2K]: Indic Wikipedia Visualization Project #1 (noopur)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: noopur <>
To: Wikikn l <>, <>, Wikipedia or <>, Wikipedia pa <>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 12:21:34 +0500
Subject: [Wikiml-l] [A2K]: Indic Wikipedia Visualization Project #1

Dear all,

Here is the link to the blog post by Sajjad Anwar and Sumandro Chattopadhyay on the visualization of the growth of Indic Wikipedias:

The data obtained is for the period from January 2001 to December 2012 and has been visualized into motion charts and calendar charts. The parameters used have also been listed chart wise.


I am not sure if Sajjad and Sumandro are on the mailing lists but I would be happy to connect you with them or take the community responses to them if any.

