
It turns out the database was overloaded with connections from Wikimetrics.  That means one of two things:

1. wikimetrics is becoming more popular and we have to optimize / scale out
2. wikimetrics has some bugs that don't clean up connections properly

Either way, the connections got recycled and everything seems ok now.  If you're still getting errors, please file a bug in bugzilla and attach your attempted cohort (if privacy allows it).  You can always write here if you need help filing a bug.


On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Jami Mathewson <jami@wikiedfoundation.org> wrote:
Hi, Leanora. I have been using it throughout the day (and late last week), periodically receiving the same message. I also can't run a report right now. I presume it's a server error that will be fixed soon!


On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Leanora Lange <llange@cjh.org> wrote:

Dear Wikimetrics community,


While trying to create my first cohort today, I continually got the error message “Error! Server error while processing your upload.” I checked the training, FAQ, etc. and couldn’t tell what the problem could be. Is the server down? If not, might anyone have a sense of what could be going wrong?


Thanks in advance for any help,





Leanora Lange


Processing Archivist

Center for Jewish History



Wikimetrics mailing list

Jami Mathewson
Program Manager
Wiki Education Foundation

Our organization supports the Wikipedia Education Program in the United States and Canada.

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