I'm really sorry Anna, I tried everything I could but other teams seem to have changed things that make our connection to the labs database impossible.  I'll keep following up but if you have an urgent report, I can try to help run a manual query.  I'm here in SF, sitting where Kevin and Grace are.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 7:06 PM, Anna Koval <akoval@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hey guys,

Hope you can help! 

Need to run a super simple report on Wikimetrics -- just one user, just one project, just one language, bytes added and number of edits -- for our QR. But it keeps crashing. 

Please tell me you can help?? :(




Anna Koval, M.Ed.
Manager, Wikipedia Education Program
Wikimedia Foundation
+1.415.839.6885 x6729

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