Hi Vesa,

Both of those reports now show up as "success" status in the Wikimetrics database. Could you do me a favor: log in to Wikimetrics and click "My Reports" to see what status is listed there now? 

To answer your basic question: how long a report takes to run depends on a lot of factors. If it's a large cohort, or a cohort that generates a lot of data, if it's a complex query to the Wikipedia database, if the Wikipedia database is not up to date, if the connection between Wikimetrics and the database is experiencing trouble, if there are sunspots*... you get the idea ;) But if those reports still show up as pending for you, or if you are frequently experiencing 1+ hour wait times for your reports to finish, that's probably a sign of a specific bug. So please keep us posted?

Thanks for your help, 

*[citation needed] 

On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 6:13 AM, Vesa Linja-aho <linjaaho@gmail.com> wrote:

I familiarized myself with Wikimetrics here in Wikimedia conference. I managed to make one report which will return empty results because the start and end dates are the same, but when I made new ones, they are in "pending" status for many hours.

First I thought that the problem is that because I set the end date in future, the report is pending until the end time is reached. But: then I made another report with past end date and have the same problem. Can anyone see the what is the problem? My username is "Vesa Linja-aho".

I attached the screenshot.Tekstiin lisättävä kuva 1

Best regards,

Vesa Linja-aho
Wikimedia Finland

Wikimetrics mailing list

Jonathan T. Morgan
Senior Design Researcher
Wikimedia Foundation