Hello everyone,
This is just an FYI for anyone interested in applying for a Creative Commons scholarship to learn more about CC's open licensing training. They are accepting applicants until the 15 April 2020.
Also a quick reminder that Wikimedia South Africa will be having its strategy session this coming Sunday. You can find out more about that by logging onto our Zulip page here: https://wikimediaza.zulipchat.com/login/
The easiest way to do that is to use your facebook or google login details.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jennryn Wetzler jennryn@creativecommons.org Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 at 20:59 Subject: CC Certificate Scholarship offerings for 2020 courses To: network-announce@creativecommons.org Cc: Julia Brungs julia@creativecommons.org, Cable Green < cable@creativecommons.org>, Claudio Ruiz claudio@creativecommons.org
Dear Creative Commons Global Network Colleagues:
Hello! I hope you are healthy and well, amidst our global community’s Covid-19 challenge.
My name is Jennryn Wetzler. I am the Assistant Director of Open Education at CC and manage the CC Certificate program https://certificates.creativecommons.org/. In case you did not receive the news (there have been more pressing news items lately), I am pleased to announce we have a second round of CC Certificate scholarships for people interested in our open licensing training. These scholarships are open to all CC Network members. Scholarships can be applied to the 2020 online courses, starting on 1 June or 14 September (see calendar https://certificates.creativecommons.org/about/calendar/).
Scholarships are only for CC Network Members https://network.creativecommons.org/?ref=global-affiliate-network. -
Here is the nomination form https://forms.gle/UBC63vcTUrdjZ7m18 for scholarships (network members can self nominate). -
Deadline for scholarship applications: 15 April, 2020. -
When selecting scholarship recipients, CC will seek to maximize the number of countries represented (i.e., we will likely select one scholarship recipient per country).
If there is already a submission from your country, your submission will not be accepted at this time, but we may contact you for 2021 scholarship offerings. -
Countries with GNC-nominated scholarship recipients for 2020 include: Bangladesh, Ghana, Nepal, Netherlands, Rwanda, South Africa, Taiwan, Uruguay and Venezuela. -
We have only 17 remaining scholarships we can offer in 2020. If we receive all nominations before 15 April, we will close the nomination form early. -
Learn more about our first scholarship recipients in 2019 here https://certificates.creativecommons.org/about/certificate-scholarships/ .
What we seek in scholarship recipients:
Active members of the Creative Commons Global Network. -
Interest in taking the Certificate course and time to successfully complete it. The course is rigorous and requires approximately 6-10 hours per week. -
Members who will use the knowledge gained in the Certificate to fuel their own community efforts and “pay it forward.” Paying it forward includes sharing knowledge acquired in the course with their community. Ideally members will also be interested in training others either informally or as an official, paid CC Certificate Facilitator. To become CC Certificate Facilitators, members will need to first graduate from the CC Certificate course, and then take and pass the CC Certificate Facilitator course (free). -
Members who remain in communication for future correspondence via email, surveys and possible webinars following the Certificate course. -
Members with strong English language skills.
Best wishes, Jennryn
Jennryn Wetzler Assistant Director of Open Education Creative Commons https://creativecommons.org/
- Learn: CC Certificate https://certificates.creativecommons.org/ - Join: CC Open Education Platform https://creativecommons.org/2017/09/05/invitation-join-cc-open-education-platform/ - Sign up: CC newsletter https://creativecommons.org/about/contact/newsletter - Read: Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians https://www.alastore.ala.org/content/creative-commons-educators-and-librarians?_zs=pbaiW1&_zl=1XGC6 - Tw: @jennrynw - Schedule: https://calendly.com/jennryn - 2019 ICDE Ambassador for the global advocacy of OER