Hello Isla

I agree with you regarding that we need more structure in our approach. That is why I asked in the previous email whether you and Douglas will handle the media relations. We should definitely add more structure, because that way we will not duplicate work and I will stress less! :) Maybe we should just stick as it was set out originally on the website: http://wikilovesmonuments.co.za/wiki/Local_organizing_committeeFind my comments below. I agree with most of your remarks.

1) Indeed.

2) HWC did not specifically say for what prize that money is, but I assume it is only for the WC. I see that it is possible to get an iPad for R5,300, so I suggest that we tell them to buy the iPad and we can maybe make up the R300. What do you think?

3) So far we have not decided on someone to handle the launch. Will you be willing to lead this for us? We should definitely invite all of the relevant parties and mention them.

4)  Good comment, I agree. I am currently talking with Michael from HWC regarding this, feel free to join the discussion. I posted a message about this yesterday to the list: http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediaza/2012-July/000544.html.

5) I have already asked about the T-shirts, but HWC is not willing to sponsor this. They say they have had bad experiences with such ventures. Regarding the museum staff, I agree that there should be training. It is my goal to have the documentation completed by Monday when Michael will distribute it to the museum staff. They can then contact us with any questions, which we can then also use to improve the documentation. As far as I know most of these museums are open over the weekends, so I will be willing to help with training at the bigger ones such as mentioned. I believe that this will be the best use of time.

6) See previous comment.

7) Yes, this is indeed important. I leave it to you to decide on this, because I do not have any experience in the field. Maybe we can then send out the press release by Wednesday? I think this would be good, because then it is the beginning of August. Only one month left! :()

8) Happy to hear that you have done so. Blessing offered to handle this, so you can talk further with her regarding the mechanics.

9) Douglas took this discussion over from me, but I am sure that he will appreciate your help. I spoke with David Hart, but I will forward you the discussion. So also this link: http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediaza/2012-July/000545.html.

Kind regards

From: Isla Haddow-Flood <islahf@africacentre.net>
To: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse@yahoo.com>; "dumisanin@iburst.co.za" <dumisanin@iburst.co.za>; maarten deneckere <maartendeneckere@gmail.com>; Douglas Scott <douglas.i.scott@gmail.com>; "davidrichfield@gmail.com" <davidrichfield@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: HWC meeting 2

Dear Lourie

An excellent meeting then! I have a few comments and have included them in
your emailed points below.

I do find the sporadic nature of this competition quite worrying with
several people crossing over different potential job descriptions like
sponsorship, publicity, marketing, etc. I feel that at the moment its a bit
of a free for all and due to many people being out of the country for
Wikimania unavoidable, but I would like to suggest that we all volunteer for
a regional/national 'position' and work on that one, and then assist that
person with any leads or ideas we have. What do you think?

> From: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse@yahoo.com>
> Reply-To: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse@yahoo.com>
> Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 18:49:31 +0100 (BST)
> To: "dumisanin@iburst.co.za" <dumisanin@iburst.co.za>, maarten deneckere
> <maartendeneckere@gmail.com>, Douglas Scott <douglas.i.scott@gmail.com>,
> "davidrichfield@gmail.com" <davidrichfield@gmail.com>, Isla Haddow-Flood
> <islahf@africacentre.net>
> Subject: HWC meeting 2
> Hi
> I just posted this report to the list. As you can see, there is so much to do!
> Can you please lead the "attack" and just get involved where possible?
> This might also motivate others, as I am sure they are getting tired of me
> asking for help. We can make this competition such a success, but we need to
> put in it all.
> Kind regards
> Lourie

>> 1) I managed to get hold of the long sought endorsement letter and official
>> HWC
>> logo. The letter is visible on our website and can be found
>> here: http://wikilovesmonuments.co.za/wiki/Letters_of_support.
IHF: Excellent move

>> 2) HWC decided to provide us with R5000 for use as the competition prize.
>> They
>> can either wire this money to us, or they could buy the reward themselves and
>> then pass it on to us, the latter being the least troublesome for them.
IHF:  let them buy it, but perhaps we should suggest what it could be ... A
voucher for photographic equipment or an iPad? Is this just for the Western
Cape segment, or the whole national one?

>> 3) They wanted more information regarding the competition launch, to which I
>> gave them the decided upon date of 1 September. Andrew (CEO of HWC) mentioned
>> that they would be willing to send someone to the launch to say a few words.
>> I
>> believe that we should invite a few people from their department, because of
>> their efforts in helping us.
IHF:  perfect, all our funders will have to be at both the launch and the
prize giving, we will need to include them in the press releases and all

>> 4) They also started to work on a poster to promote WLM that they will be
>> sending to 23 museums throughout the Western Cape. This is very good
>> exposure,
>> and we should make use of it.
IHF: I think this is great, but please can we have a look at it. There are
many things that need to be included and we need to make sure that all the
parties are covered correctly. Do you want me to take this up with
them/Andrew? I would also suggest that they design and carry flyers at their
museums from the 1st September with info on the competition, what to take
photos of and how to frame it. So that anyone who visits the museum will be
able to contribute it throughout that month.

>> 5) Each of these museums does have at least one computer with internet access
>> and HWC are willing to ask the museum staff to help with WLM on Heritage Day.
>> They are having a staff meeting soon, which means that we should decide as
>> soon
>> as possible on the exact methodology of that day.
IHF:  that is great. We will need to do a training session for those at the
museums. It would also help if the HWC would pay for t-shirts for the staff
so that our t-shirt bill is less!

>> 6) It was also advised that we decide on a few core participating museums
>> (Cape
>> Town, Worcester, George, Mosselbay) that will promote WLM heavily on Heritage
>> Day. Should we decide on these museums, HWC would assist us in this process.
IHF: Great. Again, training is necessary.

>> 7) WHC also informed me that their contacts at the daily newspapers are
>> looking
>> specifically for stories regarding Heritage Day, and that they will help us
>> to
>> work with these contacts to get the needed exposure.
IHF:  the sooner we get a press release and media kit out the better. I will
do this by Monday, and please supply what angles you think are necessary.

>> 8) They also came up with the idea that we should contact local photography
>> schools to help us with the initial levels of screening the photographs. That
>> way we will only get the best images to the high-level judges.
IHF:  also a good idea. I have a contact at the Cape Town school of
photography. Will ask them. I also think we should speak to the photography
schools nationally to let them know about the competition and encourage
their students to get involved. Also all Unis.

>> On the same day, I also managed to meet with someone from the City of Cape
>> Town.
>> We previously met with them, and they are still very much interested in WLM.
>> The
>> other good news is that I managed to convince them to make available old maps
>> they have in their possession. These maps are very old, some dating back to
>> 1895! The only agreement is that these maps should be of such a resolution
>> that
>> it could not be used for commercial printing.
IHF:  that is perfect. I can take over this discussion if you wish? Who have
you been speaking to? We can release the maps at 1200 res, 72 dpi. Good
enough to see on screen, but not online. Francis (our wikipedian in
residence) can batch upload the maps if you need us to do this.

These discussions are still in
>> the
>> initial phases and I agreed to follow this up with them. In addition to this,
>> they also have small articles already written about a large amount of
>> heritage
>> sites, and with correct discussions, they might also release these under a
>> free
>> license to be used as article texts.
IHF:  again, let me know how this goes as we can help with the upload of the
text to the correct article.

Finally, they are potentially interested
>> in
>> sponsoring us for the competition, which I must also still follow up.
>> I believe that these meetings went very well and that we have good
>> governmental
>> support. I suggest that the following points are important and should be
>> followed up immediately:
>> 1) Decide on what we want to do with the R5000 made available by HWC. The
>> sooner
>> we decide on this, the sooner they can start working on it.
>> 2) We should decide on the detail of the competition launch, as it is only 40
>> days away. We should create a guest list and invite the high-ranking people
>> before their diaries are full.
>> 3) In addition to the above, we should decide on who could speak at this
>> event
>> and approach them early to ensure their availability.
>> 4) Decide on the methodology of Heritage Day.
>> 5) The documentation on our website should be completed, as we can then
>> present
>> it to the museum staff. They can then indicate to us how to improve it and we
>> can beforehand help them with potential questions.
>> 6) We should now already talk to the contacts at the newspapers and invite
>> them
>> to the competition launch. If we keep them informed, we can enjoy much more
>> exposure during the competition.
>> 7) The local photography schools should be approach for help with filtering
>> the
>> images.
>> 8) We should also approach the City of Cape Town again and convince them to
>> release the maps and the articles they already have. Potentially we can also
>> get
>> them to sponsor the competition.
>> As you all can see, there is so much that we still need to do before the
>> competition! So if there is anywhere where you can help us, please contact us
>> and do so. If we want to make a success of this we will need the support of
>> everyone we can get.
>> Kind regards
>> Lourie